Diamond is the crystalline form of the element carbon. 钻石是碳元素的晶体结构。
The toughest materials around are diamond ( a type of crystalline carbon) and silicon carbide. 其中最为坚固的当属金刚石(一种碳的晶体)和碳化硅。
GRAPHITE: A crystalline form of carbon having a laminar structure; of natural or synthetic origin. 石墨:一种由层状碳组成的结晶体,可以是天然的或者人工合成的。
Investigation of Bulk Metallic Glass Composites Containing in Situ Formed Ductile Crystalline Precipitates; Plane Casting Technology for High Chromium Cast/ Carbon Steel Composite Plate 铸态内生塑性晶体相/大块金属玻璃复合材料研究高铬铸铁-碳钢复合板水平浇注铸造工艺
New silicone flame retardant potting compound was prepared by blending of LTV silicone rubber as base gum with diluent, crystalline quartz filler, chain extension agent, crosslinking agent, inhibitor, carbon black and platinum catalyst. 以中温硫化硅橡胶(以下简称LTV硅橡胶)为基胶,混入稀释剂、石英粉、链增长剂、交联剂、阻聚剂、炭黑及铂催化剂等组分,制得新型有机硅阻燃灌封料。
Relationship between crystalline structure and PTC characteristics for carbon black filled polymers 炭黑填充聚合物结晶结构与PTC特性关系述评
Deposition and Growth Mechanism of Crystalline Carbon Nitride Thin Films 晶态氮化碳薄膜沉积及其生长机理研究
Under experimental conditions nickel oxide existed in crystalline phase of NiO, and evenly dispersed in form of microspheres on surface of carbon nanotubes. 结果证明,在实验条件下载镍碳纳米管催化剂中镍以NiO的晶相存在,呈球状小颗粒,并均匀地分布在碳纳米管上;
Both types of fiber are multiphase fibers consisted of P-SiC crystalline, Si-C-0 amorphous and free carbon phase. 两种纤维均是由少量β-SiC微晶+Si-O-C非晶态+游离碳组成的多相纤维。
The crystalline structure, methods of synthesis and results of various measurements for the new super hard material& carbon nitride ( C 3N 4) are summarized. 概述了新型超硬材料&氮化碳(C3N4)的晶体结构、实验室人工合成方法、实验测试手段和结果。
Synthesis of Crystalline Carbon Nitride Films at Low Temperature 晶态氮化碳薄膜的低温合成
Application of liquid crystalline crown ethers, carbon nanotubes and water-soluble calixarenes on Analytical Chemistry 液晶冠醚、碳纳米管、水溶性杯芳烃在分析化学中的应用
A unique laser ablation method is proposed to prepare nano crystals in which graphite target is ablated by high power pulsed laser in liquid, and nano crystalline carbon nitrides are prepared in ammonia solution for the first time. 本文提出一种独特的激光熔蚀法即在液体中激光熔蚀固体靶制备纳米晶,并且首次在氨水中激光熔蚀石墨靶制备出氮化碳纳米晶。
Roman spectrum shows that the main component is non crystalline carbon with SP2 bond. 喇曼谱分析表明,薄膜的主要成分为SP2非晶碳。
Crystalline Carbon Nitride Deposited by Glow Discharge in Liquid Phase 液相放电法合成氮化碳晶体
A specific crystalline structure of carbon-white carbon 碳元素的另一种同素异形体&白碳
The graphite fragment can be formed not only in non equilibrium process but also in the graphite evaporation process, but the crystalline diamond grains can be formed only by the carbon atom in an excitation state during non equilibrium process. 金刚石晶粒只能由激发态碳原子在非平衡重组过程中产生,而石墨碎片既可以在碳原子重组过程中产生,也可以在蒸发石墨过程中产生。
Smoothing, dense and uniform nano crystalline diamond like carbon films are prepared by using electron cyclotron resonance ( ECR) microwave acetone plasma chemical vapor deposition ( CVD) method. 利用电子回旋共振(ECR)微波等离子体辅助化学气相沉积技术、工作气氛为丙酮,在光学玻璃衬底上得到了光滑、致密、均匀的类金刚石薄膜。
Furthermore, in the fabrication of amorphous or crystalline silicon films, diamond film synthesis and carbon nanotube growth, the large-area overdense plasma source has also been useful. 此外,多晶硅薄膜、金刚石薄膜、碳纳米管等的生成,大面积高密度等离子体源同样充当重要角色。
Especially with the rapid development of crystalline silicon industry, as the high-temperature furnace heat field insulation materials, the demand of high-quality rigid carbon fiber integrated felt reached an unprecedented heights, the research of rigid carbon fiber integrated felt is getting more and more significant. 尤其是随着晶硅产业的高速发展,作为高温炉热场隔热材料,优质硬质碳纤维整体毡的需求更是达到了前所未有的高度,硬质碳纤维整体毡的研究日益加强。